Saturday, 7 July 2007

Talc Alf

Remote places seem to attract some interesting people. Talc Alf is one of them. Born in Holland, Cornelius Johan Alferink found his way to Australia in 1960. he's had a varied an interesting career from outback explorer, geological surveyor and now doing the twice weekly post run from Lyndhurst.

What Talc Alf is famous for is his carved stone art, campaign for a Australian republic (with a new flag) and a truely bizarre take on the origins of the Alphabet. Talc's take on it is literal geographic.

Talc Alf produces printed sheets with the alphabet on them with ideas the B = women, because if you turn a B on it's side it looks like a pair of breasts....

He explained to me in front of his chalk board that the name 'Michael' means "life force of the mountain (M = mountain, Cha = life, el = of). And all along I thought I was an Archangel, and patron saint of underwear. Oh well....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello MIke and readers--Talc Alf is the highlight Lyndhurst and South Australia! I and my two children visited him as part of our Wayward Bus 'Face the Outback' tour in June2006. I'm currently writing a book of that odyssey: La Familia Hayburg: Down Under. I enjoyed confirming what I know about Talc Alf.