Monday, 16 July 2007

Big things: Revelation Film Festival

On Saturday I took myself along to the very interesting Revelation Film festival. It was celebrating 10 years from humble beginnings in a basement to now covering 4 different locations and programming over 100 films, shorts and documentaries.

I saw an excellent documentary called 'Big Dreamers'. It's about the north Queensland town of Tully, which in a bid to generate tourism to the town decided to erect a big wellington boot, paint in gold and stick a frog on the side of it. Why?. Tully is the wettest town in Australia, and they though a gumboot would be a worth while symbol to that fact. I've been to Tully once in 2000, and it was chucking it down, so I can certainly agree with that.
Director Camille Hardman has produced a really entertaining film, and over the course of an hour shows the ups and downs of the local people as they set about erecting this boot. It was opened in 2003 and stands 7.9 meters high. Every year there is now a gumboot festival in the town.
What I can't get is the obsession with all things big in this country. Various towns around Australia have put up large bananas, gallahs, koala bears and even a giant potato. What on earth for? By and large they look ugly and stupid. It's embarrassing. But then people come on coach trips to look at these things. Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public, especially if they're in 40 degree heat. Sometimes you look at humanity and gently weep.

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