Tuesday, 19 February 2008

A new place to lay my head

Moving is right up there in the stress stakes with births, marriages and deaths. But If you're lucky to have some very good friends to help you lug boxes around it can all go swimmingly.

So I'm now a resident of Shoreditch, which for a few years was the epicentre of all things arty and cool. The best documenter of that was this. The area's creative types were also taken to task by Charlie Brooker's brilliant creation of Nathan Barley. It worked better in print than it did on screen.

Anyway, lots of new bars and restaurant's to explore. This first I went to last night was Fabrizio's on St Cross Street in Clerkenwell. A really welcoming place with good variety of rustic italian cooking. The owner Fabrizio Zafanara came over and chatted with us afterwards. A brilliant place and half empty!